School just started and the teacher in me is now back, grooving to the rhythm of work. I am in my happiest and most fulfilled state when I am teaching but most often than not, the task of being a teacher is too taxing that I forget to spend time to make myself look better than usual. Since I only have a limited time to work with, I resort to using the essentia…
Read moreI came back to work just two weeks ago and I haven't had time to breathe and relax since then. Classes will start in just about two weeks and I should get everything prepared. From the curriculum down to the visual aids I will use, everything should be on point before the first day of classes. Say hello to my teacher life! So before I go back and work, let me sh…
Read moreI am on official nonreporting days at work which mean I have barely a week to enjoy summer. But given my tight schedule and a whole lot of things I am bound to do, these days off from my regular work are equal to days to work on my sidelines. For the upcoming days, I will be out braving the metro traffic and the summer heat to attend trainings and meetings instead…
Read moreThere are times that I feel so physically exhausted will all the things I am doing. Just to be clear, I am not complaining. Actually, I am more than happy to be doing all the things I am doing -- teaching, talking and blogging about beauty, advising on financial matters, taking my M.A., living my advocacy -- I am on my A game! I know I should be more than proud o…
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